Glutathione Supplements and Health – The Antioxidant Link

Every cell in our body generates glutathione. The only alternative for a cell to make glutathione is to get the raw materials or components of glutathione present. Your cells produce glutathione at maximum capacity when you are in your twenties. In every subsequent decade old, the cell looses about 7-10percent of its own glutathione producing capacity.

The reason why this is so vital to your well being is that if you are exposed to psychological or physical stress glutathione is absorbed by these factors. It goes without saying that if you are in your mind and your cells glutathione generating capacity is reduced, then it will take you longer to recover.

Add to this the poisonous environments we live in now. With the number of toxins within our food and the air we breathe it’s no wonder a lot people have immune systems which are hard pressed to maintain. If your immune system is functioning at full efficiency you resist colds, the flu and a complete list of diseases.

An immune system  that is working properly produces the components necessary for fighting off the ravages of those toxins. Antioxidants will destroy the free radicals which damage human tissue. The glutathione on your cells actually react chemically with the free radicals to make a fresh harmless substance that is then excreted from the body.

Glutathione is also instrumental in protecting our DNA from damage. By converting the free radicals into a harmless material it protects the mitochondria of your mobile in addition to the cell membrane. The mitochondria are the energy generation unit of your mobile and are crucial to cellular health.

Cellular health is crucial to a healthy immune system in Lone Star Centers. A healthy immune system is essential to the overall health of the human body. As you can see, it is a cascading and interdependent system that all begins with sufficient glutathione in every cell. In actuality, low glutathione levels are a marker for hundreds of health problems.

The challenge is to get the elements of glutathione into the blood stream and to each and every cell of our body. It is not possible to have a supplement of just glutathione and do so. The main reason is because the stomach destroys the glutathione until it can be absorbed into the blood stream. When tested later, just about all patients showed significant gains in glutathione levels after 60 days of being on the supplement.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant because the rest of the antioxidants need its existence to work efficiently. Take some time to research the web for articles on glutathione and you will become an advocate for this important ingredient of good health.

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